We know that cannabis has many beneficial effects on the human body and mind. If you’re new to the cannabis world, you might know that cannabis comes in different sub-species, namely sativa and indica and a hybrid, and each have their own effect on the user.
Cannabis use is on the rise in South African adults. With the ever changing, nearly signed legislation, we are seeing more and more adults willing to try out CBD products, as well as some THC products. The industry is growing, and, growing quickly!
Cannabis Indica
Indica plants are native to places with a harsh, dry and turbulent climate, such as Afghanistan, India, Pakistan and Turkey. These plants are usually short and stocky with bushy greenery and chunky leaves that grow wide and broad. Indica has a higher concentration of CBD than the Sativa species, however this does not necessarily mean that it has a lower concentration of THC.
The Indica high has more of a full-body effect. You will feel incredibly relaxed and very sleepy using strains from this specie. Homeopathic uses include pain relief, insomnia, and fatigue
Due to the nature of the effects of this strain, we recommend that you use these strains in the evening as you are more likely to want to take a nap a little after you use these strains.
Cannabis Sativa
The Sativa sub-specie is usually found in Africa, Central America, Southeast Asia and portions of Western Asia. Locations that have hot, dry climates with long hot sunny days. The plants are usually tall, sometimes taller than 12 feet, and thin with finger-like leaves, and take quite a long time to mature compared to Indica plants.
Sativa is known to give off a “mind high”. This means that you will feel invigorated, energized, more focused and even a little more creative. Most strains do have a homeopathic use, and we do see a trend in whichsub specie is used for certain conditions. Sativa strains are used to help reduce anxiety and stress in users. The homeopathic uses for these strains are used for those who suffer from depression, headaches, nausea, and appetite loss.
Due to Sativa’s stimulating effects, we recommend using these strains in the day time.
- Dry mouth
- Dry eyes
- Dizziness
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Lethargy
- Increased heart rate
- Decreased blood pressure